As a part of our Community Relations work at the Jewish Federation, we embrace the opportunity to engage with our political system as a tool for pursuing justice and repairing the world. We value the opportunity, and protect the right, to say "Hineini"/ "Here I am" and to let our voices be heard.
We also value the rights of all citizens to vote easily and without obstacles. For these reasons, our JCRC will be working with local organizations to help register voters throughout the Fall. Below is the information you need to make sure your voice is heard when it comes to important policies related to keeping our communities safe, protecting constitutionally-granted equal rights, providing voting accessibility, and fighting hate and extremism.
Here is some information to help you get started.
United States General Election will occur on Tuesday, November 8, 2022
To see what candidates will appear on your ballot, you can enter your address at Vote 411 or Ballot Ready.
The General Election is a regular election of candidates for office, both statewide and national. This election decides the final choice among the various candidates who have been nominated by their political parties in the Primary Election, or who are running as Independents or write-in candidates. It includes selecting US senators and representatives to Congress every 2 years, as well as state and local officials every year. Every 4 years, the General Election elects the President. If you meet the criteria to vote and register by the deadlines, you can vote in all elections.
Know Your Candidates
For a full list of Monroe County candidates for public office, click here.
Are You Registered to Vote?
Use the Monroe County Board of Elections Online Voter Application site to check if you are registered, to register to vote, find your polling site, apply for an absentee ballot, and learn more about the candidates in your district.
Absentee Voting (Voting By Mail) For 2022 Election
If you plan to vote via absentee ballot, please note the dates below. To confirm the status of your registration visit this site. If you have not received your Absentee Voter application but are registered in your county, call the Monroe County Board of Elections at 585.753.1550.
Voting in Person
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person voting remains an option, and will be executed safely by the Board of Elections. There are two ways to participate in in-person voting:
Remember that a vote at a polling location overrides an absentee ballot.
Using Voting Machines
Monroe County uses the ImageCast voting machine that is equipped to accommodate voters with disabilities. These are the steps you will take to cast your ballot:
Once the above steps are complete, you have successfully cast your ballot!
If you experience any trouble, an inspector at your polling site will be happy to show you how to use the voting machine.
Click here for more information regarding the voting machine.
Click here for a video demonstration.
Experiencing Problems on Election Day?
Call 1.866.OUR.VOTE (866.687.8683) or 1.888.VE.Y.VOTA (en Español)
Be sure to mark your ballot correctly!
In some elections, a candidate may be listed under more than one party. DO NOT fill in more than one oval for the same candidate!
What should I bring to the polling site?
Bring your ID if you are voting for the first time. If you have voted before, there is no need to, but Monroe County suggests bringing your license in case the inspectors need to verify your identification in the event of a name change or if your signature is not on file.
What should I expect at the polling site?
According to Monroe County's website: "When you enter the polling site, you will see tables and voting machines for one or more election districts. At the table for your election district you will be asked to sign next to a copy of your original signature on an alphabetically digitized poll list."
Are polling sites accessible for people with physical disabilities?
Once you have received your assigned polling location, if your letter does not share accessibility information, you can contact Monroe county Board of Elections at or call 585.753.1550 to confirm your location is accessible.
I am already registered to vote. How can I help others?
You can help by encouraging others to vote and by sharing this page to social media and with friends and family! You can also help by registering voters.
Additional Voter Resources
For more information, voter education, and candidate forums, check out:
League of Women Voters, Rochester
League of Women Voters, National
National Council of Jewish Women, Rochester
Government resources:
Federal Election Commission
NYS Board of Elections
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Get Involved!
Are you looking for ways to get involved and help others vote? Contact Monica Gebell to find out about opportunities.