Tu BAv Variety Showcase of Ahava
Comedy, Storytelling, Poetry in a preTu BAv Showcase of Love
MC David Kilimnick
Mordechai Stein from the Kibbitzer Magazine's ‘Shivim Punim LaTorah’
Jaclyn Richard stand-up
Deborah Kornfeld storytelling
Nathan Hirschberg musician and song leader from Camp Seneca Lake
Shlomo Birkan magic from Buffalo
For a spot in the open mic portion of the evening, contact offthewallcomedy@yahoo.com
Location: Off The Wall at Cafe Sholom (1161 Monroe Ave. - Entrance at Congregation Beth Sholom Parking Lot off Pinnacle Rd.)
***Doors open a half hour before showtime for food and drink
Purchase tickets in advance (space is limited and prices go up as show approaches)
Purchase tickets in advance for the $10 discounted price... https://www.bethsholomrochester.org/form/open-mic
For upcoming Off The Wall at Cafe Sholom events: http://www.jewishhumorfoundation.org/off-the-wall-at-cafe-sholom.html
Sponsor: Jewish Humor Foundation, Congregation Beth Sholom