This mini-series will take an in-depth look at the Holidays and significant dates of the current Jewish month. We will share teachings from a variety of traditional Torah sources with an emphasis on Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism.
January 18: The Kabbalah of the Jewish month of Tevet
February 15: The Kabbalah of the Jewish month of Shevat
March 14: The Kabbalah of the Jewish month of Adar
Nechemia Vogel grew up in London, England, and was educated in Lubavitcher Yeshivot in Paris, Israel and New York where he received Semicha (Rabbinical Ordination) and Dayanut (Rabbinical Judge Certification). As a student he began teaching and lecturing in various communities: In 1976 and 1977 Rabbi Vogel went on lecture tours of Germany, Norway and Denmark, U.S. Air Force bases in England, and Nebraska and Nevada. In May of 1981 he was sent on a clandestine teaching mission to Moscow, then under Communist rule.
In 1981, heeding the call of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson o.b.m., to care for the spiritual welfare of our fellow Jews – the Vogels came to Rochester as emissaries of the Rebbe to establish Chabad Lubavitch of Rochester. With G-d’s help, Chabad has since grown to five Chabad Centers in the Rochester Jewish community and area college campuses.
Nechemia – and his late wife, Masha o.b.m. - are the proud parents of Devorah Leah (Asher Yaras), Levi (Fraidy), Rishi (Yitzi Hein), Chaim, Moshe (Chayi), Mushkie (Mendy Posner), Chezky (Rochie), Shayna, Mendel (Mussy) and Yossi; and the proud grandparents of many very cute grandchildren k”ah.
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