December 13th-15th 2024
Rabbi Joshua D. Garroway, Ph.D.
The weekend will be devoted to the topic:
"Jews and Christians Throughout the Years: Conflicts and Confluence"
Rabbi Garroway grew up in Rochester and at Temple Sinai. He is currently the Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies at Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion.
December 13, 8:00 PM, D'var Torah by Rabbi Garroway
December 14, 12:00 PM, Saturday Lunch & Learn: "Inside the Mind of God: Influences on Ancient Jews and Christians"
Much as Jews and Christians today find themselves wrestling in similar ways with prevailing cultural ideas—for example, the Big Bang, postmodernism, climate change—so, too, did ancient Jews and Christians. In the first two centuries, perhaps no ideas were more popular than those of Plato. This session will examine the fascinating ways in which various Jewish and Christian authors incorporated Greek philosophy into their understanding of Creation. Guarantee: you’ll never read Genesis 1:1 the same again!
December 14, 7:30 PM, Saturday Dessert Reception: "Jewish Views on Christianity: Ancient Through Modern Times"
There is no single Jewish view of Christianity. Across 2000 years, the ways in which Jews have understood Christianity—its value, purpose, and fate—have changed many times over. This session will explore those changes, what brought them about, and what sorts of developments might be expected in the future.
December 15, 11:00 AM, Sunday Brunch Buffet: "Christian Views on Judaism: Ancient Through Modern Times"
There is no single Christian view of Judaism. Across 2000 years, the ways in which Christians have understood Judaism— its value, purpose, and fate—have changed many times over. This session will explore those changes, what brought them about, and what sorts of developments might be expected in the future.