
26 2025

Temple Sinai Annual P.A.D. Party

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Sinai 363 Penfield Rd
Rochester, NY 14625
5853816890 office@tsinai.org

Contact Monika Katzel

$ Cost $ 0.00

Since 2016, Temple Sinai has hosted a feminine hygiene kit making party, which resulted in nearly 2000 kits donated to numerous agencies in need of such products in the greater Rochester area. Last year, we packed over 500 kits, which were delivered locally to 6 community agencies.

Many under-served women and girls regularly miss work and school during their menstrual cycles. They can’t afford the necessary products needed for personal hygiene care. In response to this need, the National Council of Jewish Women’s local section developed the P.A.D. Project, which stands for Providing Access and Dignity to women and girls during their monthly cycles.


MAKE A DONATION: Donate by sending a check to Temple Sinai for the PAD Party, and we’ll do everything else. Or donate online via Temple Sinai for this project.

ORDER: Go to the form below and order the items you would like to donate through our PAD Party registry. No shipping fees!

BUY FROM A STORE: Purchase any personal hygiene items on your own and deliver to Sinai, Monday – Friday, 9:00-3:00. Items must be individually wrapped. Drop off containers will be located at both entry doors.

At this very difficult time, many of us want to do something to make life a little easier for others. This is an easy, practical, and caring way to help women and girls in our community, who can’t afford these very basic products. Thank you in advance for your heartfelt gifts.

Click the registration button or visit: https://www.tsinai.org/form/pad-party-2025.html to register to assemble kits or to simply donate!