
3 2023

Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Service, Tu BiShvat Seder, and Potluck Dinner

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Erdle Lounge at the JCC 1200 Edgewood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
585-461-2000, etx. 203 emanuelrochester@gmail.com

Contact Bernice Rayburn
585-461-2000, ext 203

Temple Emanu-El's Potluck Shabbat Dinner and Service, including our Tu BiShvat seder, will be held in person in the Erdle Lounge at the JCC. We will welcome Shabbat with a brief service followed by “table style” blessings, songs, and readings while we are seated at small tables. We will follow our meal with our Tu BiShvat seder. Rabbi Drorah Setel will lead our service and seder with cantorial soloist Charlene Sommers. Participants are asked to bring a dish to share along with an ingredient list to help those with dietary concerns. [No meat, poultry, or shellfish, please, and vegan and gluten-free options are always welcome. Challah and drinks, as well as our seder, will be provided.] Visit our website, emanuelrochester.org, for more information and to rsvp. Free and open to the community - all are welcome!

Sponsor: Temple Emanu-El