
18 2023

Temple Emanu-El All Ages Family Shabbat Service

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Erdle Lounge at the JCC 1200 Edgewood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
585-461-2000, ext 203 emanuelrochester@gmail.com

Contact Bernice Rayburn
585-461-2000, ext 203

Join us for a morning of tefillah and song during Temple Emanu-El's Saturday morning Shabbat service designed for all ages. Rabbi Drorah Setel leads our service, with musical accompaniment provided by our cantorial soloist, Charlene Sommers. Families with young children are especially welcome. Check our website, emanuelrochester.org, for full details. We hope to see you there!

Sponsor: Temple Emanu-El