
5 2023

Supper in the Sukkah

5:30PM - 7:30PM  

Louis S Wolk Jewish Community Center
Courtyard and Auditoriums A & B 1200 Edgewood Ave
Rochester, NY 14618

Contact Rachel Kest

Let’s celebrate Sukkot together! Come build community, meet new friends and spend time with old friends! Family-friendly activities provided. Enjoy music, singing, and fun Sukkot activities. Bring your own picnic dinner and we will supply the Challah, juice, dessert, and fun! All food and drinks provided will be kosher.

Bring your own picnic dinner OR order a pizza from Chabad which will be waiting for you at the JCC. Each pie is 16” round cut to 8 slices and costs $16. We will supply challah, juice, dessert and fun! All food and drinks provided will be kosher. Deadline to order pizza is Monday, October 2, 12pm.

The Pre-K classes from the Wolk Children’s Center will be performing a song for the community at 6:15pm!

This event is FREE but registration is required.