
1 2023

Safekeeping Stories of the Holocaust

7:00PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Sapir Soble

It takes more than one generation to tell this story.

The Safekeeping Stories of the Holocaust Workshop is a practical, supportive, and structured approach to exploring, preserving, and sharing family Holocaust stories using the Storykeeping® method. Children, grandchildren, and other family members of Survivors are guided to create, step-by-step, the family’s prewar, wartime, and postwar story.

You will learn how to:
• Create your story using our practical and effective “Slice” system
• Connect the generations as you piece together their prewar story
• Relay your family member’s wartime experiences
• Identify character strengths that run in your family
• Capture the life your Survivor-family member built after the war
• Establish an archive to pass along key family facts


Space will be limited and participants interested in the workshop will be asked to complete an online application, available December 1-18, 2022. Materials include a Storykeeping Guide and weekly video instruction. Participants should plan to spend 2-3 hours per week to get the most out of the class.


Jill Sarkozi, a mother of four and former lawyer, is the founder of Safekeeping Stories and creator of Storykeeping. She has spent the past decade helping people with all kinds of writing and language abilities write beautiful family stories in her Storykeeping workshops. For organizations, she creates custom programs and speaks about family Storykeeping at conferences and other events. Jill’s father-inlaw was a Holocaust survivor and helping him tell his story was her first and most meaningful project.