
7 2024

African Jewry: Indigenous Africans, Jewish Lives

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Nazareth College
Golisano Academic Center, Room 375, Parking Lot Q 4245 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618

Contact Beth Lilach

African Jewry: Indigenous Africans, Jewish Lives, sponsored by the Konar Center for Tolerance & Jewish Studies at Nazareth University.

Our distinguished speaker will be Dr. Marla Brettschneider, Professor of Political and Feminist Theory at the University of New Hampshire and an author of more than 15 books in the field of Jewish Diversity Politics, using the co-constituted critical tools of feminist, queer, anti-racist, class-based, de-colonial, and Jewish theory.

Professor Brettschneider will address the diversity of indigenous Jewish communities living across the African continent including their unique, but unknown histories, cultures, and identities as well as their responses to intersecting multilevel oppressions. 

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.