Community Collaboration

Federation is committed to building a strong Jewish future in Rochester. One way we do this is by facilitating connections between our community’s Jewish institutions that build bridges, enrich lives, and show the ways that we are all stronger when we work together.

The Community Collaboration team was formed in a time of crisis—the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. As our city shut down, community leaders, institutions, and individuals sprung into action to create a virtual Religious School program that would help our children continue to learn and connect to their Jewish values from home. But we didn’t stop there! Next, we created a virtual summer camp for kids, a Thanksgiving/shabbat experience for adults, and many other events that kept people from across our Jewish community connected when we couldn’t be together.

We continue to collaborate as Rochester shifts out of the crisis, finding ways for the Jews of Rochester—regardless of age, denomination, or beliefs—to gather and celebrate the joys of Judaism together.

Contact Us


Leah Goldman

Chief Planning & Program Officer


Ways to Give

Every day, we work to provide compassionate, strategic, and comprehensive support, no matter the situation. There is no organization better positioned to do this than the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester.